Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Due: 2-26-09

Read the blogs that your classmates have posted. Respond to their thoughts. Here are your criteria:
  • Make sure that you are signed in to Blogger so that you get credit for your comment(s).
  • You may respond to the thoughts of anyone whom I teach.
  • Comments need to be academically focused and thoughtful.
  • Media: You need to post at least one comment.
  • Honors: You need to post at least two comments.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blog #4

Due: 2-26-09

Select one of the following topics to blog about.

Option 1:How do the media images & stereotpyes of men & women impact how we view each other professionally (at school, at work, in politics, etc.)?
  • Example: Mary Pipher commented that the fragmented images of women’s bodies in perfume ads decreased the likelihood of voting for a woman for president.

Option 2: Open the "Celeb vs Hero.ppt" file (located here) and complete the activity. Then, analyze the stereotypes represented by the media.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blog # 3

Due: 2-11-09

Choose a current TV show that you watch. 
  • Consider how the ten American Core Values are represented in this show. 
  • Analyze what the show tells viewers they should value. 
  • Explain how it does so.